


Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road Deutsch

As a professional, I want to focus on creating an informative and engaging article on the “Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road Deutsch”. This article aims to provide readers with a detailed overview of the convention, its significance, and how it impacts international trade.

The Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) is a treaty that regulates the rights and obligations of parties involved in the international road freight transport of goods. It covers the terms of the contract, the liability of carriers, and the time limits for filing claims.

The CMR convention was adopted in 1956 by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and has since then been ratified by over 60 countries worldwide, including Germany. The convention is also known as “Convention Relative au Contrat de Transport International de Marchandises par Route,” which is the French name for the treaty.

The CMR convention has brought about significant changes and advantages in the transportation industry. Shippers and carriers now have clarity regarding their rights and obligations, which reduces disputes and legal actions, saving both parties time and money.

The CMR convention also regulates the liability of the carrier in case of damage, loss, or delay of cargo. The carrier`s liability is limited to 8.33 Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) per kilogram of gross weight of the goods. However, if the carrier has committed a willful misconduct or fraudulent act, the liability is statutory or unlimited.

The CMR convention also has a provision requiring the carrier to provide a documentation of the transport operation. This documentation includes a consignment note, which acts as proof of the contract and is considered a valuable legal document if disputes arise.

Germany is a member of the CMR convention, and its implementation is also incorporated into the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch – HGB). The CMR convention plays a vital role in Germany`s transportation industry as the country is known for its powerful logistics network and high-quality road transportation services.

In conclusion, the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR) is a significant treaty that regulates the rights and obligations of parties involved in the international road freight transport of goods. It has brought about clarity and certainty to the industry, reducing legal disputes and saving time and resources. As a professional, I hope this article has been informative and engaging to readers who are curious about the CMR convention.



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